Quick Reference Guides

Designed to simplify the complex, offer treatment ideas & strategies and provide resources to share with your patients

A Clinician's Guide to
Thriving Under Time Constraints


Are you constantly feeling the pressure of limited time in your clinical practice? Do you struggle to provide the level of care your patients deserve while juggling the demands of a busy schedule? It's time to take control and optimise your time management skills with this essential guide.

In "Mastering the Clock: A Clinician's Guide to Thriving Under Time Constraints," the wonderful Dr. Sandy Hilton shares her proven strategies for delivering high-quality patient care in time-limited sessions. This Quick Guide is packed with practical insights and actionable tips drawn from Sandy's acclaimed four-part Clinical Confidence Coaching Series.

Guides Available


Quick Guide to Movement for Pain 

Based on Ben Cormack's Science Session, this guide will help you to understand how to use movement to help patients with pain

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Quick Guide to Helping People to Live Well With Pain

Based on Dr Bronnie Thompson's Science Session, this guide will help you to understand how to help your patients live well with pain. 

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Quick Guide to Neurodivergence and Pain

Based on Dr Jessica Eccle's science session this guide will help you to understand practical strategies for helping neurodivergent people with pain.

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Quick Guide to Functional Neurological Disorder & Pain

Based on Professor Jon Stone's science session this guide will help you to navigate the complexities of treating people with FND

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Quick Guide to Prioritising Wellbeing in the Clinic

Based on Professor Jon Stone's science session this guide will help you to navigate the complexities of treating people with FND

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Quick Guide to Epigenetics & Pain

Based on Dr Andrea Poli's Science Session 'Chronic Pain, Lifestyle and Epigenetics' this guide will help you to understand why some people seem more vulnerable and predisposed to experience persistent pain and how to use epigenetics to improve patient outcomes.

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Quick Guide to Culture and Pain

Based on Dr Saurab Sharma's Science Session 'Cultural Considerations with Pain care' this guide will help you to understand why we need to understand cultural diversity in the clinic and offer recommendations on how to treat people from culturally and linguistically diverse communities.

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